Sunday, November 16, 2008

Political Pundits and Mass Communications

In the elections that just transpired in the past few weeks and at all times for those that are interested in politics, political pundits are always popular to listen to and to "love or hate" as one's political orientation calls for. On TV and Radio, there are many political pundits, exponentially more that there were even thirty years ago. One of the most popular is Bill O'Reilly, whose program on Fox News Channel is according to the Nielsen ratings one of the most highest rated programs on television. Unlike the eloquent, stylish, and substantive political pundits of the past, like William F. Buckley, O'Reilly rarely engages thought and instead shouts down his political opponents, including "Guests" on his show. This is a sad change in the landscape of political debate, and also shows a conscious move on the part of the rich people behind the networks.

Instead of thoughtful political debate that encourages objective thought and better citizens, political debate has been "dumbed down" to the lowest common denominator by simply engaging in swearing and shouting down instead of thoughtful discussion. It makes the shows as much entertainment as what they should be, political growth and understanding. People don't even have to engage the issues, they can just enjoy the arguing and shouting and not even listen to the words, just the yelling and general stupidity of today's political discussion.

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